ArtistAndrea Devia-Nuño
Andrea Devia-Nuño
Genrepainting, illust

Andrea Devia-Nuño is an artist based in Madrid.
From digital illustration to acrylic and from drawing to sculpture, her universe flows in a vectorial aesthetic of precise shapes and vibrant colors. Influenced by architectural photography and the geometric art of the 1960s, she defines her creative process as an infinite oscillation between figuration and abstraction. From feminine and contemplative figures in Andrea's work, her work evokes sensuality, ambiguity, and a hypnotic abstraction. Each viewer may feel differently, but the nostalgia and love that delivers from Andrea's work make it possible to feel deep emotions towards the desired object.

안드레아 데비아-누뇨는 마드리드에서 활동하고 있는 아티스트입니다. 그래픽 디자인을 시작으로 디지털 일러스트레이션과 아크릴 페인팅, 조각에 이르기까지, 그녀는 자신의 예술세계를 다양한 방식으로 확장하며 고유한 미학을 담아내고 있습니다. 건축 사진이나 1960년대 기하학 예술을 떠오르게 만드는 그녀의 화풍은 ‘구상과 추상 사이를 오가는 끊임없는 진동’이라 설명할 수 있습니다. 안드레아의 작품 속, 여성성이 드러나면서도 사색을 불러일으키는 형상들은 때론 추상같은 모호함을, 때론 감각적인 관능성을 전달합니다. 감상자가 느끼는 바는 저마다 다를지 몰라도, 작품에서 배어 나오는 그리움과 사랑의 정서는 희구하는 대상을 향한 깊은 감정을 느낄 수 있게 해줍니다.