ArtistAtsushi Kanai
Atsushi Kanai

Atsushi Kanai is an illustrator based in Yokohama.
Although he has never studied painting professionally, he loves painting so much that he quit his job and selected the way of a full-time illustrator. Atsushi is inspired by various cartoon characters and animations, including Charles.M.Schultz of Snoopy and Dick Bruna of Miffy. He likes the things that make people smile, and he wants his creations to do the same. A solid background and clean lines create a simple scene. Every work depicts its situation and emotions, but everyone who looks at it makes a happy smile.

아츠시 카나이는 요코하마에서 활동하고 있는 일러스트레이터입니다. 그림을 전문적으로 배운 적은 없지만, 다니던 직장까지 그만두고 전업 일러스트레이터로의 삶을 마음먹을 만큼, 그는 그림 그리기를 사랑합니다. 스누피의 Charl.M.Schultz, 미피의 Dick Bruna를 포함해 다양한 만화 캐릭터와 애니메이션에서 영감을 얻는다고 말하는 아츠시. 그는 자신의 그림이 보는 사람들을 미소 짓게 만들 수 있기를 바라고 있습니다. 단순한 배경과 깔끔한 드로잉이 정겨운 하나의 장면을 완성합니다. 그림 속 모두는 제각각의 상황과 감정을 담고 있지만 그것을 바라보는 모두는 행복한 미소를 짓게 됩니다.