ArtistKotaro Machiyama
Kotaro Machiyama

Kotaro Machiyama is a painter based in Tokyo. He says that the life as an artist who completing and developing a single picture is more satisfying than when he was an office worker. He is inspired by various paintings, design, and music, of course, the specific theme of his work is always the color of nature and the shape of a life that surrounds him. All details of the motif are erased. A unique style of abstraction of Kotaro Machiyama for reaching one step closer to the fascinated object composes the flat world, dissolving even the flow of time.

코타로 마치야마는 도쿄에서 활동하고 있는 페인터입니다.
꾸준한 작업 활동으로 자신만의 스타일을 완성해 가는 코타로 마치야마의 모습을 통해, 어떻게 글로벌 아트 마켓에서 일본 작가들이 신뢰를 쌓아가는지를 알 수 있습니다. 스스로의 예술세계를 탐구하는 집요함과 멈추지 않는 성실함은 많은 컬렉터들로 하여금 그의 작품이 지니는 예술성과 시장성에 높은 기대감을 갖도록 만들어 줍니다. 다양한 회화, 디자인, 음악 등에서 영감을 얻지만, 작품의 구체적인 주제는 결국 자신의 주위를 두른 일상 속 경험에서 발견됩니다. 모티브가 된 대상의 특징들을 모두 지우고, 마음을 빼앗긴 경험의 순수에 다가서도록 하는 코타로 마치야마의 특별한 추상 방식은, 시간의 흐름마저 녹여내며 평면의 세계를 재구성합니다.